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Digital Image Processing (15EC72) - Question Bank

Digital Image Processing (15EC72) - Question Bank

Digital Image Processing (15EC72)

1.       With the help of neat block diagram explain the components of a general purpose image processing system. (08 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
2.       With a neat block diagram explain the fundamental steps involved in digital image processing. (12 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
3.       Explain the image acquisition in using single sensor. (06 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
4.       Consider the image segment as shown in fig Q2(b). Set V= {0, 1}, compute the length of shortest 4, 8, m-path between p and q, if path does not exist between p and q. explain why.
                                                                             (06 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
5.       Explain the role of sampling and quantization. (08 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
6.       With a neat block diagram explain the fundamental steps involved in digital image processing. (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2017
7.       Explain the principle of image acquisition in using single sensor. (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
8.       List four applications of image processing. (04 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
9.       Explain the concept of sampling and quantization with exmples. (08 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
10.    Consider the image segment as shown.
i) Let V= {0, 1}, compute the length of shortest 4, 8, m-path between p and q, if path does not exist between p and q. explain why.
ii) Repeat for V={1,2}
                                                                             (10 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017

11.    Define spatial and grey level resolution. (02 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
12.    Explain the fundamental steps in digital image processing. (08 Marks) June/July 2017
13.    Explain the mass storage capability in image processing applications and also its principal categories (07 Marks) June/July 2017
14.    Write a note on optical illusions categories (04 Marks) June/July 2017
15.    Consider the two image subset s1 and s2 as shown in fig Q2(a). For v={1}, determine whether these two subsets are i) 4-adjacent ii) 8 –adjacent and iii) m-adjacent. (06 Marks) June/July 2017
16.    Explain the process of generating digital signal (08 Marks) June/July 2017.
17.    Explain linear and non linear operations in digital image processing (06 Marks) June/July 2017
18.    With the help of neat block diagram explain the components of a general purpose image processing system. (10 Marks) June/July2016
19.    Draw a neat cross sectional view of human eye and label its parts. (06 Marks) June/July2016
20.    Discuss brightness discrimination and plot the typical weber ratio curves. (04 Marks) June/July2016
21.    With neat diagrams explain image acquisition using linear and circular sensor stripes(10 Marks) June/July2016
22.    Let the set of grey levels used to define the connectivity be {94,95,96,97} and compute the shortest D4 and D8 distances between p and q for the image segment shown in fig Q2(b). Indicate the shortest path by double lines (10 Marks) June/July2016

23.    Let p and q are the two pixels at coordinates {100,120} and {130,160} respectively. Compute i) Euclidean distance ii) Chess board distance and iii) Manhattan distance (6 Marks) June/July2016
24.    With a neat block diagram explain the fundamental steps involved in digital image processing. (10 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
25.    With the neat diagram of the eye explain the human visual system working. (10 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
26.    What is meant by path. Give the formula for calculating D4 and D8 distances. What is the differences between D8 and Dm distance(10 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
27.    For V= {2,3,4}, compute the length of shortest 4, 8, m-path between p and q , in the following fig
28.    Explain spatial and grey level resolution. (04 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
29.    With a neat block diagram explain the fundamental steps involved in digital image processing. (10 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
30.    Explain the importance of brightness adaption and discrimination in image processing. (06 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
31.    Mention the applications of image processing (05 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
32.    How many would it take to transmit a 512x512 image with 256 grey levels at 300 baud rate (04 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
33.    Explain the process of image acquisition by  sensor arrays and sensor strips (04 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
34.    Explain the components of a general purpose image processing system. (10 Marks) June/July 2015
35.    How is image formed in human eye. Explain with examples that the perceived brightness is not a function of intensity (10 Marks) June/July 2015
36.    Explain the process of image acquisition using circular sensor strip (06 Marks) June/July 2015
37.    With  neat block diagram explain the steps in image processing (10 Marks) Dec2013/Jan 2014
38.    Explain the following terms applicable to image processing with necessary graph
i)                     Brightness adaptation
ii)                   Weber ratio
iii)                  Mach bands                                                                        (10 Marks) Dec2013/Jan 2014
39.    Describe the following terms applied to image processing
i)                     Neighbors of  pixel
ii)                   Adjcency of pixel
iii)                  Digital path
iv)                 City block distance measures                                             (4 Marks) Dec2013/Jan 2014
MODULE 2: Spatial Domain: Some Basic Intensity Transformation Functions, Histogram Processing, Fundamentals of Spatial Filtering, Smoothing Spatial Filters, Sharpening Spatial Filters
Frequency Domain: Preliminary Concepts, The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of Two Variables, Properties of the 2-D DFT, Filtering in the Frequency Domain, Image Smoothing and Image Sharpening Using Frequency Domain Filters, Selective Filtering.
1.       For the 2x2 orthogonal matrix A  and image U obtain the transformed image and basis images and inverse transformation (06 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
2.       Explain the following properties of unitary transform (06 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
i)                     Energy conservation
ii)                   Decorrelation
3.       Define two-dimensional DCT. Explain its properties (08 Marks)  Dec2017/Jan 2018
4.       Using the core matrix H1 generate hadamard transform matrix H3 and explain four properties of hadamard transform (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
5.       Define slant transform. Explain 4x4 slant transformation matrix. Explain any four properties of slant transform (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
6.       Explain the following intensity transformation function with necessary graphs
i)                     Image negatives
ii)                   Log transformation
iii)                  Power law transformation   (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
7.       Perform histogram equalization of an image whose pixel intensity distributions is given in table
Grey levels
Number of pixels

Construct the histogram of the image before and after equalization  (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
8.       Explain smoothing of images in frequency domain using
i)                     Ideal LPF
ii)                   Butterworth LPF  (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
9.       With the help of  block diagram, explain homomorphic filtering approach for image enhancement (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
10.    Define 1D unitary transform and mention its properties(06 Marks) June/July 2017
11.    Compute 2D DFT of a 4x4 grey scale image shown in Fig and the corresponding inverse transform (08 Marks) June/July 2017
12.    Prove that FFT*T=1, Where F is the DFT matrix (06 Marks) June/July 2017
13.    Write the generation of NXN Hadamard transformmatrix by iterative rule. Mention its advantages and its properties (08 Marks) June/July 2017
14.    What are the properties of slant transform and also find forward slant transform and inverse slant transform of U
 (06 Marks) June/July 2017
15.    Define one-dimensional DCT for N=4 obtain NXN cosine transform (06 Marks) June/July 2017
16.    Explain the following image enhancement techniques, highlighting their area of application.
i)                     Intensity level slicing
ii)                   Power – law transformation  transform (06 Marks) June/July 2017
17.    Explain the following image enhancement techniques, highlighting their area of application.
i) Bit – plane slicing.
ii) AND and OR operation  transform (06 Marks) June/July 2017
18.    Explain the smoothing of images in frequency domain using:
Ideal low pass filter
Butterworth lowpass filter  transform (06 Marks) June/July 2017
19.    With a block diagram and equations, explain the homomorphic filtering. How dynamic range compression and contrast enhancement is simultaneously achieved?  transform (06 Marks) June/July 2017
20.    An image U and transformed matrix A are given by
       . (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
Obtain the transformed image V . Compare the energy in U and V and give inference . (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
21.    Show that the cosine transform of a vector of N elements can be calculated in O(NlogN) option via N point FFT. (08 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
22.    Obtain the Haar transform matrix for N=4 . (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
23.    Give any three properties of unitary transform. (06 Marks) June/July 2016
24.    Compute 2D DFT of a 4x4 grey scale image given by (04 Marks) June/July 2016
25.    For the 2x2 matrix A  and image U
Calculate the transformed image V and the basis images. Also reconstruct the original image U by inverse transform (10 Marks) June/July 2016
26.    Generate the Haar transform matrix for N=2 (08 Marks) June/July 2016
27.    Compute the K-L transform of the following matrix
    (12 Marks) June/Ju ly 2016
28.    Define hadamard transform for N=8 (06 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
29.    Define two-dimensional DFT. Explain the following properties i) Symmetry, Unitary ii) Periodic extensions iii) Conjugate symmetry (10 Marks) June/July 2015
30.    Generate hadamard transform for n=3 from the core matrix (06 Marks) June/July 2015
31.    Define two-dimensional DFT. Explain the following properties of 2-DFT. i) Translation ii) rotation iii) distributivity and scaling iv) separability  (10 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
32.    What are basis vectors?  (04 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
33.    Define discrete sine transform and its inverse transform. Discuss any three properties (08 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
35.    What is the importance of image enhancement in image processing? Explain in brief any two point processing techniques implemented in image processing.
36.    Explain histogram equalization technique.
37.    What is histogram matching? Explain the development and implementation of the method.
38.    Highlight the importance of histograms in image processing and develop a procedure to perform histogram equalization.
39.    Explain the following image enhancement techniques, highlighting their area of application.
iii)                  Intensity level slicing
iv)                 Power – law transformation
40.    Explain the following image enhancement techniques, highlighting their area of application.
i) Bit – plane slicing.
ii) AND and OR operation
41.    Explain the smoothing of images in frequency domain using:
Ideal low pass filter
Butterworth lowpass filter
42.    With a block diagram and equations, explain the homomorphic filtering. How dynamic range compression and contrast enhancement is simultaneously achieved?
43.    Discuss homomorphic filtering.
44.    Explain sharpening filters in the frequency domain
MODULE 3: Restoration: Noise models, Restoration in the Presence of Noise Only using Spatial Filtering and Frequency Domain Filtering, Linear, Position-Invariant Degradations, Estimating the Degradation Function, Inverse Filtering, Minimum Mean Square Error (Wiener) Filtering, Constrained Least Squares Filtering.

Explain the basic concept of spatial filtering in image enhancement and hence explain the importance of smoothing filters and median filters.
1.       Explain the model of image degradation/ restoration. List all noise probability density functions and explain any three with necessary equations and graphs (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
2.       Explain inverse filtering and weiner filtering in image processing (10 Marks) Dec2017/Jan 2018
3.       Discuss the important noise probability density functions (10 Marks) June/July 2017
4.       Discuss the various mean filters for restoration in the presence of noise only spatial filtering (10 Marks) June/July 2017
5.       Write an explanatory note on the following noise model
i)                     Erlang noise
ii)                   Rayleigh noise
iii)                  Impulse noise
iv)                 Uniform noise   (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
6.       Explain band reject filter used in periodic noise reduction in frequency domain (06 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
7.       Derive an expression for the linear degradation model in presence of additive noise (10 Marks) Dec2016/Jan 2017
8.       Discuss adaptive median filtering method for image restoration. Also give its advantages (10 Marks) June/July 2016
9.       Derive an expression for observed image when the degradations are linear, position invariant (10 Marks) June/July 2016
10.    Explain the model of image degradation/ restoration. (08 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
11.    What are the three methods of estimating degradation function. Explain each of them (12 Marks) Dec2015/Jan 2016
12.    Explain the three methods to estimate the degradation function used for  image restoration(10 Marks) June/July 2015
13.    What is the issue with inverse filtering for restoring image. Explain with appropriate equations how weiner filter take care of these issues(10 Marks) June/July 2015
14.    Explain the model of image degradation/ restoration. List all noise probability density functions and explain any three with necessary equations and graphs (10 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
15.    Explain inverse filtering and weiner filtering in image processing (10 Marks) Dec2014/Jan 2015
16.    Draw and explain image degradation and restoration model(10 Marks) June/July 2014
17.    Discuss various mean filters used in image restoration system(10 Marks) June/July 2014
18.    Explain in brief the inverse filtering approach. List its limitation(10 Marks) June/July 2014
MODULE 4: Color Image Processing: Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Pseudocolor Image Processing.
Wavelets: Background, Multiresolution Expansions.
Morphological Image Processing: Preliminaries, Erosion and Dilation, Opening and Closing, The Hit-or-Miss Transforms, Some Basic Morphological Algorithms.
Explain the basic model of image restoration process. Also with necessary equations explain the most common PDF in an image processing (10 Marks)  Dec2013/Jan 2014
1.       Explain briefly any two colour models. Write equations for converting RGB to HIS (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2017
2.       Write a note on  pseudocolour image processing. Explain intensity slicing of pseudocolour image processing (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2017.
3.       Explain the color characteristics to distinguish various colors. Write the trichromatic coefficients interms of X, Y and Z (08 Marks) June/July 2017
4.       Draw the block diagram of Gray level to colour transformations and explain it (08 Marks) June/July 2017
5.       Write a note on CMY color (04 Marks) June/July 2017
6.       Briefly explain any two color models used in color image processing (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2016
7.       Develop a procedure for converting
i)                     RGB to HSI model
ii)                   HSI to RGB model (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2016
8.       Write a note on  pseudocolour image processing. Explain intensity slicing of pseudocolour image processing (10 Marks)      June/July 2016
9.       Describe RGB color  model with the help of relevant diagrams. Write equations to convert RGB to CMY (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2015
10.    Develop a procedure for converting
i)                     RGB to HSI model
ii)                   HSI to RGB model (10 Marks) June/July 2015
11.    Write a note on  pseudocolour image processing. Explain intensity slicing of pseudocolour image processing (10 Marks)      June/July 2015
12.    Develop a procedure for converting 
RGB to HSI model
HSI to RGB model (10 Marks) Dec/Jan 2014
13.    Write a note on  pseudocolour image processing. Explain intensity slicing of pseudocolour image processing (10 Marks)      Dec/Jan 2014

MODULE 5: Segmentation: Point, Line, and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Region-Based Segmentation, Segmentation Using Morphological Watersheds.
Representation and Description: Representation, Boundary descriptors.
1.       Explain Point, Line, and Edge Detection
2.       Describe about basic edge detection and its techniques
3.       Explain the following  Thresholding, and using edges by using global thresholding
4.       Define Region based segmentation and briefly describe region splitting and merging
5.       Explain in detail about Segmentation Using Morphological Watersheds.
6.       Briefly discuss about Representation, Boundary descriptors.

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