Module -1
BJT AC Analysis: BJT AC
Analysis: BJT Transistor Modeling, The re transistor model, Common emitter
fixed bias, Voltage divider bias, Emitter follower configuration.
Darlington connection-DC bias; The Hybrid equivalent model, Approximate
Hybrid Equivalent CircuitFixed bias, Voltage divider, Emitter follower configuration; Complete Hybrid equivalent model, Hybrid π
Derive the expression for input impedance,
output impedance and voltage for common emitter bias configuration using re
model (08MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Draw the graphical symbol and hyb rid
equivalent model for CE and CB configuration model (04MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Derive the expression for zi, zo and Av for emitter follower
configuration using re model (08MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Draw re and h parameter models of a transistor in CE configuration.
Also give relationship between re and h parameter models. (5MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Draw the emitter follower circuit. Derive the expression for zi, zo
and Av using re model. (6MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Draw and explain hybrid model of a transistor in CE configuration
mentioning the significance of each component in model. (5MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Derive the expression for zi, zo, Av and Ai for common emitter
fixed bias configuration using hybrid equivalent model. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Obtain frequency response of CE
amplifier circuit and find out its band width. What is the impact of CC and CS on the band width? (10MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
Draw the low frequency hybrid
equivalent. Circuit for CE & CB amplifier. (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10. Give the approximate h-parameter conversion formulae for CB and CC configuration
in terms of CE (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
11. Give the procedure to form the approximate h – model from exact h –
model of amplifier (6MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
12. Draw the small-signal equivalent circuit for an emitter follower stage
at high frequencies and obtain the voltage gain. (8MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
13. Discuss the effect of coupling capacitor (Cc)on low frequency response of CE amplifier. (4MARKS) DEC-2011-Jan-2012
14. For a CB transistor amplifier driven by a voltage source of internal
resistance Rs = 1.2k the load impedance is resistor RL = 1k. The h-parameters
are hib =22., hfb= - 0.98, hob = 0.5 μA/V, hrb= 3 × 10−4. Calculate AV, AI ,and
RI. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
15. Draw the circuit diagram of common source amplifier with un bypassed Rs
and derive voltage gain and output resistance. (10MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014.
16. Explain the method of evaluating h parameters for a transistor in CC
17. A CB amplifier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance
Rs=1k.The load impedance is RL=1K. The transistor parameters are hib= 22, hfb=
-0.98, hrb=2.9×10−4, hob= 0.5μ A/V. Compute current gain, voltage gain,input
and output impedance of the amplifier. (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2012
18. Draw the circuit diagram of small signal CE amplifier circuit and give
its equivalent hybrid model. What is the role of Cc and Ce. (10MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
Module -2
Field Effect Transistors: Construction
and Characteristics of JFETs, Transfer Characteristics, Depletion type
MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET. FET Amplifiers: JFET small signal model,
Fixed bias configuration, Self bias configuration, Voltage divider
configuration, Common Gate configuration. Source-Follower Configuration,
Cascade configuration.
1. Explain the
construction and working principle of n-channel JFET and draw the
characteristics (06 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2. Derive the
expression for zi, zo and Av for FET self bias configuration with bypassed Rs (06 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3. Distinguish between
Depletion type and enhancement type MOSFET(04 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4. Explain the
construction and working principle of n-channel Depletion type type MOSFET and
draw the characteristics curve (08 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
5. With circuit
diagram of JFET small signal model determine gm and rd(8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6. For the JFET CS
amplifier with fixed bias configuration. Derive the expression for zi, zo and
Av using ac equivalent circuit. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
7. With neat diagram
explain construction of n-channel JFET, and also draw its characteristics. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
8. Draw the char of
n-channel Enhancement MOSFET (3MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
9. Give the symbol of
n&p channel FET,MOSFET.
10. A Common source FET
amplifier with unbypassed Rs has following parameters
a. VDD=20V, Rd=15KΩ,
Rs=0.5KΩ, Rg=1MΩ, rd=5KΩ, gm=5ms
b. Calculate (i)input
resistance(Ri) (ii)output resistance(Ro) (iii)Voltage gain(Av)(8MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
11. Explain performance
of FET as VVR. (3MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
12. With neat diagram
explain working of Darlington connection.(6MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
13. Describe the
construction & operation of depletion mode MOSFET & draw its
characteristics. (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
14. Draw & explain
small signal model of common source , common Gate & common Drain amplifier. (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
15. Describe the
construction & operation of Enhancement MOSFET & draw its characteristics. (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2012
16. Explain with the
help of neat diagram construction, working & VI characteristics of n
channel JFET. (10MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
17. Why do depletion
regions do not touch of pinch off?(3MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
18. Depletion MOSFET is
called normally ON MOSFET. Why?(2MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
Module -3
BJT and JFET Frequency Response: Logarithms,
Decibels, Low frequency response – BJT Amplifier with RL, Low frequency
responseFET Amplifier, Miller effect capacitance, High frequency response –
BJT Amplifier, High frequency response-FET Amplifier, Multistage Frequency
Derive an expression for low frequency
response of BJT amplifier due to capacitors Cs and Cc (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Derive an expression for millers input
and output capacitance (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Obtain the expression for overall lower
and higher cut off frequencies for
multistage amplifier (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Describe miller effect and derive an
equation for miller input and output capacitances. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Discuss low frequency response of BJT amplifier and give expression
for low frequency due to input coupling capacitor and output coupling
capacitor. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Explain high frequency response of FET
amplifier and derive the expression for cutoff frequency defined by input and
output circuits. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Summarize the gain, input impedance and
output impedance of single stage BJT amplifier using mid band analysis. (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
How to make the Emitter Coupled
Differential Amplifier circuit and also explain that operation. (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
Define CMRR of BJT differential
amplifier. How to improve it.(3MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
10. State and prove the
Miller’s theorem, and also give examples. (6MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
11. What is the
importance of Darlington circuit
12. Construct a CE amplifier and analyze ac parameters of its hybrid
equivalent circuit. (6MARKS) JUNE-JULY-2015
13. Design a cascade
amplifier and its ac equivalent circuit
14. Draw the low
frequency equivalent circuit of FET
15. Find CMRR of differential amplifier with differential gain 300 and
common mode gain of 0.2 (4MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
16. State miller’s
theorem. (2MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
17. Compare cascade and
cascode amplifier. (2MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
Module -4
Feedback and Oscillator Circuits: Feedback
concepts, Feedback connection types, Practical feedback circuits,
Oscillator operation, FET Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator,
Tuned Oscillator circuit, Crystal oscillator, UJT construction, UJT
1.What will happen when a step input
voltage is applied to the high pass RC Circuit?
What are the advantages of negative
feedback in amplifiers (04MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Derive an expression for Zif
and Zof for voltage series feedback connection type (6MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Draw the circuit diagram of uni junction oscillator and
explain the principle of operation and draw the characteristics curve (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
With a neat circuit diagram explain the
working of colpitts oscillator using transistor (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
What is Barhausen criterion? Explain how
oscillations start in an oscillator. (04MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
With a neat circuit diagram explain the
working of colpitts oscillator using transistor. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Explain the characteristics of a quartz
crystal. With a neat circuit diagram explain the crystal oscillator in parallel
resonant mode. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Explain Clapp’s oscillator and derive
the expression for frequency of oscillation. Also explain how frequency
stability can be improved Clapp’s oscillator
Explain Hartley oscillator and derive
the equation for oscillation?(8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10. Explain pierce crystal oscillator and derive the equation for
11. Explain RC phase shift oscillator? (3MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
12. Explain current series feedback amplifiers? (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
13. With simple diagrams explain the operation of negative resistance
oscillator using tunnel diode? (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
14. Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifiers? (4MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
15. Explain the relevant information, how the negative feedback improves
stability reduce noise and increase input impedance? (6MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
Module -5
Power Amplifiers: Definition and
amplifier types, Series fed class A amplifier, Transformer coupled class A
amplifier, Class B amplifier operation and circuits, Amplifier distortion,
Class C and Class D amplifiers. Voltage regulators: Discrete transistor
voltage regulation - Series and Shunt Voltage regulators.
With circuit diagram, explain the
operation of transformer coupled class A power amplifier and show the maximum
efficiency of 50% (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Define voltage regulator. Explain series
voltage regulator (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Explain the operation of class B push
pull amplifier and show the maximum
efficiency of 78.5% (08 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
Explain series fed class A
amplifier and show the maximum
efficiency of 25% (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
Explain with circuit diagram the
operation of class B push pull amplifier
using complementary symmetry transistor pair. Also mention advantages
and disadvantages of the circuit. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
What do you understand by multistage
transistor amplifier?(2MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
What is need to of multistage transistor
amplifier? (3MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
Explain the term frequency response with
respect to two-stage transformer-coupled amplifier. (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
What are the advantages of frequency
with respect to two-stage amplifier? (6MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10. The gain of the second amplifier in case of two-stage amplifier is low.
Comment. (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
11. A multistage amplifier employs 3 stages each of which has a power gain
of 30. What is the total gain of the amplifier in db? (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
12. A multistage amplifier employs 4 stages each of which has a power gain
of 20. What is the total gain of the
amplifier in db? (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
13. The input power to an amplifier is 20 mw while output power is 2.5 W.
Find the gain of the amplifier. (6MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
14. The input power to an amplifier is 10 mw while output power is 1.5 W.
Find the gain of the amplifier. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
15. The absolute gain of an amplifier is 30; find its decibel in gain. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
16. The absolute gain of an amplifier is 40; find its decibel in gain. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
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