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Module -1
BJT AC Analysis: BJT AC Analysis: BJT Transistor Modeling, The re transistor model, Common emitter fixed bias, Voltage divider bias, Emitter follower configuration. Darlington connection-DC bias; The Hybrid equivalent model, Approximate Hybrid Equivalent CircuitFixed bias, Voltage divider, Emitter follower configuration; Complete Hybrid equivalent model, Hybrid π Model.


1.      Derive the expression for input impedance, output impedance and voltage for common emitter bias configuration using re model (08MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2.      Draw the graphical symbol and hyb rid equivalent model for CE and CB configuration model (04MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3.      Derive the expression for zi, zo and Av for emitter follower configuration using re model (08MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4.      Draw re and h parameter models of a transistor in CE configuration. Also give relationship between re and h parameter models. (5MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
5.      Draw the emitter follower circuit. Derive the expression for zi, zo and Av using re model. (6MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6.      Draw and explain hybrid model of a transistor in CE configuration mentioning the significance of each component in model. (5MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
7.      Derive the expression for zi, zo, Av and Ai for common emitter fixed bias configuration using hybrid equivalent model. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
8.      Obtain frequency response of CE amplifier circuit and find out its band width. What is the impact  of CC and CS on the band width?     (10MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
9.      Draw the low frequency hybrid equivalent. Circuit for CE & CB amplifier. (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10.  Give the approximate h-parameter conversion formulae for CB and CC configuration in terms of CE                                                       (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
11.  Give the procedure to form the approximate h – model from exact h – model of amplifier                                                                                      (6MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
12.  Draw the small-signal equivalent circuit for an emitter follower stage at high frequencies and obtain the voltage gain.                                               (8MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
13.  Discuss the effect of coupling capacitor (Cc)on low frequency  response of CE amplifier.        (4MARKS) DEC-2011-Jan-2012
14.  For a CB transistor amplifier driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs = 1.2k the load impedance is resistor RL = 1k. The h-parameters are hib =22., hfb= - 0.98, hob = 0.5 μA/V, hrb= 3 × 10−4. Calculate AV, AI ,and RI.                 (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012 .
15.  Draw the circuit diagram of common source amplifier with un bypassed Rs and derive voltage gain and output resistance.                          (10MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014.
16.  Explain the method of evaluating h parameters for a transistor in CC configuration.(8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
17.  A CB amplifier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs=1k.The load impedance is RL=1K. The transistor parameters are hib= 22, hfb= -0.98, hrb=2.9×10−4, hob= 0.5μ A/V. Compute current gain, voltage gain,input and output impedance of the amplifier.                                                                             (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2012
18.  Draw the circuit diagram of small signal CE amplifier circuit and give its equivalent hybrid model. What is the role of Cc and Ce.             (10MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013

Module -2
Field Effect Transistors: Construction and Characteristics of JFETs, Transfer Characteristics, Depletion type MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET. FET Amplifiers: JFET small signal model, Fixed bias configuration, Self bias configuration, Voltage divider configuration, Common Gate configuration. Source-Follower Configuration, Cascade configuration.

1.      Explain the construction and working principle of n-channel JFET and draw the characteristics (06 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2.      Derive the expression for zi, zo and Av for FET self bias configuration with bypassed Rs  (06 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3.      Distinguish between Depletion type and enhancement type MOSFET(04 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4.      Explain the construction and working principle of n-channel Depletion type type MOSFET and draw the characteristics curve (08 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
5.      With circuit diagram of JFET small signal model determine gm and rd(8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6.      For the JFET CS amplifier with fixed bias configuration. Derive the expression for zi, zo and Av using ac equivalent circuit. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
7.      With neat diagram explain construction of n-channel JFET, and also draw its characteristics. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
8.      Draw the char of n-channel Enhancement MOSFET (3MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
9.      Give the symbol of n&p channel FET,MOSFET.     (3MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10.  A Common source FET amplifier with unbypassed Rs has following parameters
a.       VDD=20V, Rd=15KΩ, Rs=0.5KΩ, Rg=1MΩ, rd=5KΩ, gm=5ms                                  
b.      Calculate (i)input resistance(Ri)  (ii)output  resistance(Ro)  (iii)Voltage gain(Av)(8MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
11.  Explain performance of FET as VVR.                       (3MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
12.  With neat diagram explain working of Darlington connection.(6MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
13.  Describe the construction & operation of depletion mode MOSFET & draw its characteristics.                                                                  (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
14.  Draw & explain small signal model of common source , common Gate & common Drain amplifier.                                                           (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
15.  Describe the construction & operation of Enhancement MOSFET & draw its  characteristics.                                                                    (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2012
16.  Explain with the help of neat diagram construction, working & VI characteristics of n channel JFET.                                                       (10MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
17.  Why do depletion regions do not touch of pinch off?(3MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2013
18.  Depletion MOSFET is called normally ON MOSFET. Why?(2MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
Module -3
BJT and JFET Frequency Response: Logarithms, Decibels, Low frequency response – BJT Amplifier with RL, Low frequency responseFET Amplifier, Miller effect capacitance, High frequency response – BJT Amplifier, High frequency response-FET Amplifier, Multistage Frequency Effects.


1.      Derive an expression for low frequency response of BJT amplifier due to capacitors Cs and Cc  (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2.      Derive an expression for millers input and output capacitance (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3.      Obtain the expression for overall lower and higher cut off frequencies for  multistage amplifier (8MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4.      Describe miller effect and derive an equation for miller input and output capacitances. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
5.      Discuss low frequency response of BJT amplifier and give expression for low frequency due to input coupling capacitor and output coupling capacitor. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6.      Explain high frequency response of FET amplifier and derive the expression for cutoff frequency defined by input and output circuits. (8MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
7.      Summarize the gain, input impedance and output impedance of single stage BJT amplifier using mid band analysis.                  (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
8.      How to make the Emitter Coupled Differential Amplifier circuit and also explain that operation.                                                                          (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
9.      Define CMRR of BJT differential amplifier. How to improve it.(3MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
10.  State and prove the Miller’s theorem, and also give examples. (6MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
11.  What is the importance of Darlington circuit                     (2MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
12.  Construct a CE amplifier and analyze ac parameters of its hybrid equivalent circuit. (6MARKS) JUNE-JULY-2015
13.  Design a cascade amplifier and its ac equivalent circuit    (5MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
14.  Draw the low frequency equivalent circuit of FET             (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
15.  Find CMRR of differential amplifier with differential gain 300 and common mode gain of 0.2                                                                                         (4MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
16.  State miller’s theorem.                                                      (2MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
17.  Compare cascade and cascode amplifier.                         (2MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012

Module -4
Feedback and Oscillator Circuits: Feedback concepts, Feedback connection types, Practical feedback circuits, Oscillator operation, FET Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Tuned Oscillator circuit, Crystal oscillator, UJT construction, UJT Oscillator.


1.What will happen when a step input voltage is applied to the high pass RC Circuit?
1.      What are the advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers (04MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2.      Derive an expression for Zif and Zof for voltage series feedback connection type (6MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3.      Draw the circuit  diagram of uni junction oscillator and explain the principle of operation and draw the characteristics curve (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4.      With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of colpitts oscillator using transistor (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
5.      What is Barhausen criterion? Explain how oscillations start in an oscillator. (04MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6.      With a neat circuit diagram explain the working of colpitts oscillator using transistor. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
7.      Explain the characteristics of a quartz crystal. With a neat circuit diagram explain the crystal oscillator in parallel resonant mode. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
8.      Explain Clapp’s oscillator and derive the expression for frequency of oscillation. Also explain how frequency stability can be improved Clapp’s oscillator  (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
9.      Explain Hartley oscillator and derive the equation for oscillation?(8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10.  Explain pierce crystal oscillator and derive the equation for oscillation?(8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
11.  Explain RC phase shift oscillator?                                    (3MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
12.  Explain current series feedback amplifiers?                      (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
13.  With simple diagrams explain the operation of negative resistance oscillator using tunnel diode?                                                                           (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
14.  Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifiers?                     (4MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
15.  Explain the relevant information, how the negative feedback improves stability reduce noise and increase input impedance?                                   (6MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
Module -5
Power Amplifiers: Definition and amplifier types, Series fed class A amplifier, Transformer coupled class A amplifier, Class B amplifier operation and circuits, Amplifier distortion, Class C and Class D amplifiers. Voltage regulators: Discrete transistor voltage regulation - Series and Shunt Voltage regulators.  


1.      With circuit diagram, explain the operation of transformer coupled class A power amplifier and show the maximum efficiency of 50% (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
2.      Define voltage regulator. Explain series voltage regulator (06MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
3.      Explain the operation of class B push pull amplifier  and show the maximum efficiency of 78.5% (08 MARKS)DEC-2017-JAN-2018
4.      Explain series fed class A amplifier  and show the maximum efficiency of 25% (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
5.      Explain with circuit diagram the operation of class B push pull amplifier  using complementary symmetry transistor pair. Also mention advantages and disadvantages of the circuit. (08MARKS)JUNE/JULY2017
6.      What do you understand by multistage transistor amplifier?(2MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
7.      What is need to of multistage transistor amplifier?          (3MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
8.      Explain the term frequency response with respect to two-stage transformer-coupled amplifier.                                                                               (8MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
9.      What are the advantages of frequency with respect to two-stage amplifier? (6MARKS)DEC-2016-JAN-2017
10.  The gain of the second amplifier in case of two-stage amplifier is low. Comment. (4MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2016
11.  A multistage amplifier employs 3 stages each of which has a power gain of 30. What is the total gain of the amplifier in db?                             (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2015
12.  A multistage amplifier employs 4 stages each of which has a power gain of 20. What is the  total gain of the amplifier in db?                             (8MARKS)JUNE-JULY-2014
13.  The input power to an amplifier is 20 mw while output power is 2.5 W. Find the gain of the amplifier.                                                                  (6MARKS)DEC-2012-Jan-2013
14.  The input power to an amplifier is 10 mw while output power is 1.5 W. Find the gain of the amplifier.                                                                  (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
15.  The absolute gain of an amplifier is 30; find its decibel in gain. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012
16.  The absolute gain of an amplifier is 40; find its decibel in gain. (4MARKS)DEC-2011-Jan-2012

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