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Power Electronics(10EC73) - Question Bank

Power Electronics(10EC73) - Question Bank

1. What  is power electronics.  Name the various families  of thyristors. [ 2010 june-  06M]
2. Give different types of converters with circuit diagram & waveforms [(2009 dec 08M]
3.What is peripheral effect.   Explain the remedial  [-2013 june -10M]
4. Explain the different types of power diodes-[2014 dec-06M]
5. Explain the  GTOs,SITHs, MCTs,TRIACs [ 2011-10M]
6. what is  snubber circuit. Explain[2008-08M]
7. Explain the UJT as  a  relaxation oscillator[2007-10M]
8.what is  dv/dt & di/dt protection. Explain in  detail[ 2012-08]
9. Vs=200v Rl= 5Ω Load.stray capacitance  & inductance is negligible Fc=2k dv/dt=100v/  &   discharge current  is 100 MA .determine i) values  Rs & Cs ii)snubber loss iii) power rating                [2015-10M]
10. Explain RCT, Diac, LASER,MCT , fast switching  thyristors, GTOs [2013-08M]
11.Explain the bidirectional  triode  thyristors[2006-10M]
12. What is schottky diode? Mention its advantages[ 2017-07M]
13. Explain the turn on- & turn off characteristics scr [2010,2008-10M]

UNIT-II: Power TransistOR :Power BJT’s, Switching characteristics, Switching limits, Base derive control, Power MOSFET’s, Switching characteristics, Gate drive, IGBT’s, Isolation of gate and base drives.
1.Explain the serial & parallel operation of SCR[2008-10]
2.   Sketch & explain  the switching  characteristics of power BJT[2012-10]
3.Explain the  structure of  n-channel  enhancement type MOSFET[2013-10]
4.Explain the switching characteristics  of  IGBT [ 2011- 08M]
5. Compare BJT & MOSFET [ 2012-06M]
6 .Compare IGBT & BJT & MOSFET  [ 2015 06M]
7.Give the isolation of Gate  & Base drives( Optocoupler & pulse transformer) [10M2013]
8. Explain the SB,FBSOA,RBSOA, & power derating[ 10M 2014]
9. Expalin the base drive control methods [10M 2015]
10. Exlain the switching chacteristics of IGBT [ 08M 2016]
12. Compare  IGBT & BJT & MOSFET[ 08M 2012]
13. Give the switching characteristics of MOSFET [06M 2015]
14. Give merits & demerits of MOSFETS [  04-2014]

UNIT-III:SCR Introduction to Thyristors:Principle of operation states anode-cathode characteristics, Two transistor model. Turn-on Methods, Dynamic Turn-on and turn-off characteristics, Gate characteristics, Gate trigger circuits, di / dt and dv / dt protection, Thyristor firing circuits.

15. what is base drive control in power transistor. Explain the antisaturation  control method [8M -2013dec]

1. Explain the two transistor analogy of SCR         [ 10M-2013  nov]
2.Define holding, latching, FBO ,RBO. Explain the turn -on methods [ 10M - 2013june]
3. Explain the gate current  character  of SCR  [08M- 2014]
4.Explain the turn -off chacteristics of SCR [10M - 2013nov]
5.Explain the firing circuits of SCR   [ 10M- 2011]
6.The Vs=200V, R=5 Ω.The load   & stray capacitance is neglible .frequency is 2KHz, dv/dt =100v/µs, i= 100A .Determine 1) values of Rs & Cs  2)Snubber loss  3) power rating[ 10M-2015]
7.  Explain with  waveform turn  off  thyristors [ 06M- 2010]
Introduction, Principles of phase controlled converter operation, 1φ fully controlled converters, Duel converters, 1 φ semi converters (all converters with R & RL load).
8. Expalin the chacteristics of SCR with holding, Latching  current  & three regions of SCR[8M]
1.Explain   HWR  with R load .Derive the equations[ 08M-2011]
2.Expalin the FWR with  R & RL load . Derive the necessary  equations  [10M- 2010]
3.What is freewheeling diode. Explain in FWR [ 06M-2010]
4. Explain the FWR with inductive load . derive equations for O/P volts & current[ 10M -2015]
5. Define   Displacement factor, harmonic factor,[  06M-2013]
6. Explain the FWR with derivations for voltage & current
7 . A single phase  RL load having L=6.5 mH  R= 0.5 Ω α=60 degree  i)load current ii) average thyristor current iii) I rms  iv)average o/p current[ 10M- 2010]
8.Explain dual converters with necessary equations & wave forms
9.Explain the single semi converters with waveforms[08M- 2011]
 10. Compare  HWR & FWR & semiconverters[ 06M-2014]
11. Explain the advantages of  HWR , FWR & semiconverters [08M -2010]
12  Discuss effect of inductance using 1-phase full controlled converters[08M-2013]

V: –Commutation: Thyristor turn off methods, natural and forced commutation, self commutation, class A and class B types, Complementary commutation, auxiliary commutation, external pulse commutation, AC line commutation, numerical problems.
1.Define commutation. Explain the forced commutation & line commutation[2011 – 08]
2.Explain types of commutation. Explain  the with diagram  class D commuatation [10M -2013]
3.With neat wave form explain the Class A & Class B commutation[  10M june 2014]
4. What is complementary commutation?[ 10M 2016]
5.What is auxiliary commutation?[ 08M 2013]
6.What is line commutation. Explain  with  waveforms[ 08M 2015]
7. Explain the auxiliary commutation with accelerating diode[2012-10M]

VI:-Choppers:Introduction, Principles of step down and step up choppers, Step down chopper with RL loads, Chopper classification, Switch mode regulators – buck, boost and buck – boost regulators.

8. Explain the self commutation.Obtain the capacitor voltage & current [2011- 10M]
1.Define the chopper. Give the classification of choppers [june10-10M]
2.Explain the principle of step up choppers[ jan 07-8]
3.what is buck -boost regulators[2013-08M]
4. Explain the principle of boost & buck regulators [2012 dec-08]
5.Explain the step down chopper with RL load[2010-10M]
6.For step- down choppers duty cycle K=0.5  f= 5khz Vs= 220v R=10W L=15.5mH  .Determine i) min instantaneous load current ii) peak load current iii) Average load current iv) RMS load current- [june10-10M]
7. Obtain an expression for  O/P  voltage  for step chopper. Expalin how  duty cycle is controlled[2007 6M]
8.Explain the working principle of a four quadrant choppers with necessary circuit diagram [june 2010 -10M
9. A chopper is working on on time ratio control at a frequency of 2khz on 460v & load voltage of 350v.Calculate conduction period of thyristor in each cycle[ 2011-10M]
 10. What is choppers?. How they are classified? Explain briefly [2012-10M]

UNITVII:Introduction, Principles of on and off control, Principles of phase control, Single phase controllers with restive loads and Inductive loads, numerical problems.
11. Explain impulse commutated choppers wiyh waveforms[2012-10M]
1.Give the principle of on-off controller & phase controller [08M 2010,2013, 2012]
2.Explain with waveform   single phase ac voltage controller with inductive load
3.Explain Ac voltage 1 phase controller with R load   [10M -2015]
4. A single phase   controller  R= 10Ω  vs=120v =60hz α =Ï€/2 .i) determine  o/p Voltage ii) i/p power factor  iii) the average current [10M -2011]
5. Why short duration gate  pulses are not suitable for bidirectional AC  voltage with inductive load[2007june-07M]

UNIT-VIII:Introduction, Principles of operation, Performance parameters, 1φ bridge inverter, voltage control of 1φ invertors, current source invertors, Variable DC link inverter
 6. What problem caused  by sharp single pulse triggered in a  single phase ac voltage  controller.   
1. Define the performance parameter [2013 dec-8M]
2. Explain the principle of operation single phase inverters[ 2012-10M]
3. Explain with necessary derivation  the  single phase  bridge inverters[2009 june-10M]
4. Explain the current source inverters [ 2010-8M]
5. Explain the difference between  current & voltage source inverters [2014Dec-10M]
6 .What is variable Dc link inverters[2015 june-10]
7. What is forced commutated inverters. Explain the auxiliary  & complementary commutated inverters[2012-12M]
8.What is inverters? Mention its applications[ 04M-2017]
9. Explain the current source inverters[ 2011-06M]

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