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16EC564 (OOPS WITH C++) Question Bank 2020

Sub Code: 16EC564 (OOPS WITH C++) Question Bank 2020

Module – I

Beginning with C++ and its features: What is C++, Application and structure of C++ program, Different data types, variables, Different operators, Expressions, Operator Overloading and control structures in C++.

1)      Differences between OOPS and POP.                          (6MARKS)Jan-2018
2)      What is Variable? Mention its rules associated with declaration of variable.                                                                                                            (8MARKS) Jan-18
3)      Explain Enum with an example.                                 (6MARKS)Jan-18
4)      What is dynamic Memory allocation? Explain with a help of code snippet the usage of new and delete operators in C++.                            (6MARKS)Jan-2018/17
5)      Define Pre-processor Directives state the purpose of the following C++ pre-processor directives.   a. #include  b.#define     c.#ifndef               (8MARKS)Jan-2018/17
6)      What are data types in c++ list of the built in and derived data types with example.                                                                                               (6MARKS) Jan-18.
7)      With syntax and example give the control for switch and while statement.                                                                                                       (7MARKS) Jan-18
8)      Give the example for relational, logical &bitwise expression available in c++                                                                                                           (3MARKS) Jan-18
9)      What is Object oriented Programming? How it is different from Procedure oriented programming?
10)  How are data and functions organized in OOPS?
11)  Distinguish between
i) Objects and classes.
ii) Data abstraction and Encapsulation.
iii) Inheritance and Polymorphism.
iv) Dynamic Binding and Message passing.
12)  Differences between C and C++.
13)  Describe the major parts of C++ Program.
14)  How does namespace standard statement perform? Explain its function and usage.
15)  Write a program to read 3 numbers and display larger number on the screen.
16)  Write a program that asks for temperature in Celsius and converts it to Fahrenheit.
17)  What are Manipulators? Explain the usage of same with an example.
18)  Write a program to calculate the Simple Interest using SI=PTR/100.
19)  Write a program to find the value of cos(x),sin(x) series
20)  Write a program to find roots of quadratic equation.
21)  Write a program to count the number of vowels in a given string using switch statement.


Functions, classes and Objects: Functions, Inline function, function overloading, friend and virtual functions, Specifying a class, C++ program with a class, arrays within a class, memory allocation to objects, array of objects, members, pointers to members and member functions.

1)      What is Function? Mention the advantages of Function. (8MARKS) Jan/18
2)      Generate a result sheet for all students who have secured honours in ECE branch with the following details                                                                        (8MARKS) Jan/18
a)Roll number
f)Marks in different subjects
3)      What is Friend function? How is friend function different from a member function? (8MARKS) Jan/18
4)      Write a Inline Function to find the largest of two numbers.  (8MARKS) Jan/18/July17
5)      Explain Call by value and Call by Reference parameter passing method with an example. (8MARKS) July17
6)      What is Inline Functions? Explain with an example. What are the limitations of Inline Functions? (6MARKS) July/17 
7)      Explain the different types of function parameter passing technique. (8MARKS)July17
8)      Write a C++ program to find largest element in an array using functions. (6MARKS) July 17
9)      Write a a Recursive function to find Factorial of a given number.(4MARkS) Jan17
10)  Define Recursion. Write a recursive Program to find GCD of two numbers.
11)  Write a Recursive function to find nth Fibonacci number
12)  Write a function to read a matrix of size mxn from the keyboard and display the same of the screen
13)  Write a program for calculating ex=1+x+x2+x3+…….xn
14)  Explain the definition of class definition, taking an example. Also explain the importance of access specifiers.
15)   Describe the difference between class and object with an example program.
16)  Describe the 3 access specifiers used to implement information hiding.
17)  How is memory allocated to a class and its objects?
18)  What is the significance of this pointer?
19)  Write a menu driven program for addition,subtraction display result of two distances using member function and friend function.
20)  Write a menu driven program for deposition,withdrawl,and display balance for the bank account of a particular customer.


Constructors, Destructors and Operator overloading: Constructors, Multiple constructors in a class, Copy constructor, Dynamic constructor, Destructors, Defining operator overloading, Overloading Unary and binary operators, Manipulation of strings using operators.

1)      Explain the different types of constructors, with examples. (8MARKS) Jan/18
2)      Distinguish between a constructor and Destructor. Develop a program to implement overloaded constructors and show the corresponding output (8MARKS) Jan/18.
3)      List the operators that cannot be overloaded. (2MARKS)Jan/18
4)      Write a C++ program to include two data member height & base using a constructor to set height and base with area and display as member function to calculate area of the triangle (8MARKS) Jan/18
5)    Write a C++ program to implement a class called STRING. In the class, develop a copy  constructor to copy one string to another. Write the supporting main() that uses the copy constructor to copy one string to another. (8MARKS)Jan/18
6)    Develop a class called Employee containing the following data members: Emp_Number,
Emp_name, Emp_Designation and Emp_salary. Provide an appropriate set of constructors for the class and write the supporting main(). (8MARKS) Jan/18
7)      When is destructor member function invoked in a class?
8)      Explain the purpose of operator overloading. Write a C++ program to add two complex numbers by overloading the operator +. (4MARKS) July/17
9)      Explain the following with examples.            (6MARKS) July/17
a) Overloading operators ++ and—
b) Overloading Relational operator >
c) Overloading assignment operator =
10)  What is Constructor? How to invoke a Constructor?
11)  What are the rules for declaration of the Constructor?
12)  Explain the Manipulation of Strings using Operators
13)  Write a C++ program to include a class time which has hours, minutes and seconds as data, a constructor without arguments to initialise data to 0,a constructor with three arguments to be assisted to hours, minutes ,and seconds respectively ,a constructor with one float arguments and converts it to hours, minutes and seconds, display and destructor function.


Inheritance, Pointers, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism: Derived Classes, Single, multilevel, multiple Inheritance, Pointers to objects and derived classes, this pointer, Virtual and pure virtual

1)      How is polymorphism achieved in OOPS with virtual functions explain with an example (8MARKS)Jan/18
2)      What is Inheritance? Briefly explain public, private, and protected inheritance with an example. (8MARKS)Jan/18
3)      Explain single and Multilevel Inheritance. (8MARKS)Jan/18
4)      Explain ‘this’ pointer. with an example (6MARKS)Jan/18
5)      What are pure virtual functions (2MARKS)Jan18/July 17
6)      Example multiple inheritance with constructor and destructor operation executed with example (6MARKS)July/17
7)      Explain all types of Inheritance with examples.
8)      What is pointer? How to declare a pointer?
9)      What are the operations possible with pointer variables?
10)  Explain pointers and single dimensional array with an example.
11)  Explain pointers and two-dimensional array with an example.
12)  Explain pointers and multi-dimensional array with an example.
13)  Explain array of pointers with an example.
14)  Explain pointer as Function arguments.
15)  Explain pointer to objects with an example.
16)  With a program explain pointer to derived class.
17)  Explain the Concept of Virtual Function with an example.




Streams and Working with files:C++ streams and stream classes,formatted and unformatted I/O operations, Output with manipulators,Classes for file stream operations, opening and closing a file, EOF.
1)      Explain C++ Streams. List all the streams classes used for file operations (8MARKS)Jan/18
2)      Explain put() and get() ,get line(),write() functions (8MARKS)Jan/18.
3)      What are file input and output streams? write a program for writing and reading the data from a file using streams classes (8MARKS)Jan/18
4)      With an example i)explain the syntax for opening and closing of file operation ii).explain the end of file operator (8MARKS)Jan/18
5)      Write a note an base class & derived class (4MARKS)Jan/17
6)      Explain getline() and write() functions.
7)      Explain with examples Formatted Console I/O operations.
8)      Explain with examples different Output with Manipulators.
9)      What is the purpose of ifstream,fstream and ofstream?
10)  Explain the different modes in which a file can be opened.

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